Open a New Dimension in Post-Processing: The Infinite Luma Photoshop plugin from Infinite Tools delivers an uncomplicated approach to luminosity masking.
Experience Enhanced Creative Control: Through this straightforward dashboard in Photoshop, you can quickly isolate and select an image's highlights, midtones, or shadows and precisely apply color grades, exposure adjustments, textures, and more.
Get Up and Running Quickly: The technique of making tone-based selections, known as luminosity masking, is typically time and labor-intensive. Infinite Tools has streamlined the process into one approachable and efficient panel.
Via an Intuitive Interface: Infinite Luma's interface combines sliders with a visual overlay, enabling you to clearly see what tones you are selecting and adjust how smooth or gradual the transitions are before creating a mask.
Work How You Prefer: Choose to save your luminosity masks as either a selection, a folder with a mask, or a channel to best fit your workflow.