Fate: The Emotional Story Behind a Photographer's Leica Camera

Does the universe have a plan for all of us? For Austrian-born photographer and artist Markus Hofstätter, the stars unexpectedly aligned for him to receive his Leica M2: a camera which seemingly transcended the depths of time and grief to find its way into his hands.

I've long been a believer in photographic destiny. Some photographers encounter certain cameras or lenses and something just "switches on" inside our brains. At times, it feels as if we were meant to possess these tools, and for them to possess us in return.

If you've read my little love story about the Fuji X-Pro 1, you'll know exactly what I mean. 

In this episode from his YouTube channel, Markus takes us on an intensely intimate journey into his own past and recalls how his unique journey into the world of photography first began. It’s an emotional story of personal discovery and creativity that will resonate with any artist, especially those among us who have ever been compelled to pick up a camera.

Markus goes on to explain how fate ended up gifting him his dream camera through a combination of friendship, love, and loss. I hope you enjoy hearing Markus tell his own tale and how he ended up with his old friend’s Leica as much as I did.

We all have a story of how we started down our own creative highways. Feel free to share yours with us down in the comments.

Adam Welch's picture

Adam is a professional photographer and author specializing in medium, large, and ultra large format film photography as well as historical printmaking. He has penned nearly 400 articles on photographic technique and digital post-processing while working with legendary brands such as Hasselblad, Tamron, Sigma, DJI, and GoPro.

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I've heard more photographers than I can count give me their pitch on why Leicas are so amazing but I've never understood their appeal. They always seem to force me to work harder and working harder isn't necessarily something I want from any tool I use. I dunno, I don't get it

Nobody wants to work harder. When I need to buy gear for a specific assignment, I will buy something that makes my life easier for sure. But there are people out there, who enjoy slowing down and maybe even only shoot two or three images a day. It's like that when I shoot wet plate portraits. What would you enjoy more, shooting three images with? Your phone, with a mirrorless camera or with a full mechanical camera?

I asked myself the same question before I got the M2. I went through lots of different shops and tried lots of different cameras. From Fuji medium format (I loved the Fujifilm GFX 100s a lot), to Hasselblad and so on. Because of the size, handling and haptics I enjoyed the Leica the most. Luckily I didn't buy it back then.
For sure I shoot more with my Canons and my phone, but I enjoy the Leica the most.

Pro here for 35 years - when I saw the Chanel Ad featuring Audrey Tautou with a Leica M8 I was intrigued - I ended up with her ACTUAL camera and lens a 90mm F2 -given to her by Jean Pierre (director) I don't use it but theres no denying its built better than our Hass X2D2's