
This location it was in my mind since I moved to Russia. Its the church in the smallest islands in the world, and the bridge just was build some months before I arrive to Russia.

I visit the location few times, but conditions not was good for photography, this day I was in the area (its more than 100km from Saint Petersburg) and the conditions for sunset was looking good. So I decided to wait few hours in the spot till the light was creating a magical ambient.

14mm · f/22.0 · 1/4s · ISO 200
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It paid off to wait !! great

I love the color grading on this one so much. Also, calm water and the bridge reflection is looking so perfectly matched in this shot.

спасибо сергей!

Preciosa, para mi lo tiene todo, magníficos tonos y una composición muy cuidada. Enhorabuena.

Muchas gracias Luis por tus palabras :)

From Russia with love ❤️

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